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Monday, November 30, 2009

From Wellington to Nelson, NZ

Mon 16 Feb, 2009 -Taupo to Wellington

Started the day heading out of Taupo along the lake and the same views as I had yesterday morning, well views are probably better as it wasn’t dark! Had a brief stop in Turangi, then headed along the Desert Road which runs through the Rangipo Desert which is where some of the Lord of the Rings was filmed (apparently haven’t seen the series fully). Stopped for quick photos of a live volcano - not that it is currently (visibly) active. The rest of the afternoon was basically driving to get to Auckland by 5pm.

Spent the night at the Downtown Backpackers which used to be one of the original hotels in the city. It was also close to the ferry for tomorrow morning. On the way into town got a tour of the main attractions though couldn’t go up Mt Victoria due to road works. Jen went for a walk around the streets whilst I sat (still recovering from yesterday!) Though I did go for walk along the foreshore had dinner on the other side of the city then walked back to the hostel via the main street.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tongariro Crossing, NZ

Sun 15 Feb, 2009 - Taupo and Tongariro Crossing

What a day! Had a bus pick up at 5.40am and was dropped off at the starting point of the track, Mangatepopo Carpark (1150m) at 7am. When we left Taupo the cloud was low over the area and could barely see the sun rising. There was just a peak of it on the horizon where there was a thin gap of sky stretching across the horizon. By the time we got to the track the cloud as predicted was lifting. A good thing - would hate to come all this way and have it cancelled.

Toilet, sunscreen, toes taped and set off at 7.20am.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Nature and Adventure, NZ

Sat 14 Feb, 2009 - Rotorua to Taupo
Left Jen in Rotorua as she was keen to see more of the town and go to Hell’s Gate. I was tempted to stay and spend time at the mud pools also but the weather was looking really good to do the Tongariro Crossing tomorrow. The smell was also a little more intense today - good to get out! So the bus took us on a drive around town before heading south to the Wai-O-Tapu geothermal area which is famous for its mud pools and Lady Knox Geyser. It is amazing how active the area is with mud pools back in Rotorua, along the road passed many steaming areas and now here as well. The Lady Know Geyser goes off at 10.15am everyday - with a little help from some soap powder. Was wondering how nature could be so predictably accurate!! Whilst it will go off by itself every 24-48 hours each day a park ranger makes it erupt for a large crowd of eager spectators. We then went to the visitors centre to walk through park area. The path takes you past many different looking craters and mud pools before going out into bush areas with waterfalls, caves and lakes. Coming back past the Champagne pool at 740C a few more craters and back to the beginning.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Glowworms to 'Wonderful' Aromas, NZ

Fri 13 Feb, 2009 - Auckland to Rotorua
The ride out of town took us up to Mt Eden, one of Auckland’s volcanoes with great views across the city. Could also see from there One Tree Hill which atone point had a tree, now has a statue in commemoration of the signing of the Waitangi Treaty. Then leaving toward the lush landscape south. Drove through the Bombay Hills and Waikato region before stopping at Waitomo for 3 hours where we went through 2 caves. The first was the glow worm caves - the main attraction and over 30 million years old. The limestone caves were huge caverns which went down toward an internal river. We got into a boat in the dark and in silence and made our way along the river. Suddenly above us a glow intensified and there were thousands of glow worms scattered across the cave roof. Have never seen so many little green dots of light. The next cave was just a limestone cave - no glow worms as no river ran through this one. But the formations within it were certainly more spectacular than the first.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Final view of Opononi, NZ

Thurs 12 Feb, 2009 - Hokinga to Auckland
Slow start to the day as the bus didn’t come this way till 10.15am. While waiting for the bus watched a video at the Information centre/Museum about Opo the ‘Gay Dolphin’ (it was an old film and now politically incorrect!) which is how Opononi got its name. The film kept referring to the dolphin as male but it was female, possibly they realised this after her death. Anyway for a long time Opo was resident in the Harbour and was quite social with the locals. The little town that was hardly visited since the end of the logging, now had a resurgence of visitors wanting to see the famous dolphin. The funniest part of the film was a colourful ball being taken from a little girl and being thrown into the water for Opo to play with. After half hour the dolphin was pretty efficient at dribbling and throwing - now the funny bit - of course as the dolphin did ‘tricks’ the surrounding children would all applause except for the little girl who had ‘lost’ her ball to the dolphin. Anyway after a couple of hours (real time, not film time) the dolphin passed the ball back and the smile returned to the little girls face! Probably had to be there!

So the bus arrived and it was over booked.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The huge Kauri trees in Hokianga, NZ

Wed 11 Feb, 2009 - Hokianga
Left at 8am on a little bus heading for the west coast of the peninsular. A lovely drive across with much farm land visible. Arrived in Opononi at 9.30 and went to pay for the evening footprints tour before being dropped off at our accommodation further up the road and closer to Omapere. Globe Trekkers is located up the hill slightly and is only a small place. It is a great spot to stay.

In the early afternoon walked around to the south head and around the lookout which, even with the weather, had wondrous views. Returned back into Omapere and had a bite to eat before continuing back to hostel. Though I felt like walking on so continued the 3km walk to Opononi (as you can probably tell the towns are very close together). Just after the information centre I took a path down onto the beach, which the tide was getting lower though did include a few walking across rocks to get around the cliffs. A beautiful walk into town. The houses went on forever along the foreshores before getting to the main town area, which included a mini-mart, hotel, café/restaurant and petrol station - all within 50m. Sat on the boat ramp and watched people jumping into the water and being swept downstream swimming toward an exit point. The flow of the water was pretty swift. Got a little wet on the way back. There has been a drizzle on and off all day, though got a little heavier on the way back. Made it back to the hostel by 4.30pm and had time for a tea, and dry off, before getting organised for the tour.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Bay of Islands, NZ

Mon 9 Feb, 2009 - Auckland to Paihia (Bay of Islands)
Anyway it was an early start - though the bus was half hour late. Along the way stopped at a couple of small towns more for necessity than for sight seeing. Made it to Pahia by 12.30pm. Drove through town past the Waitangi treaty site which was where a treaty was signed between the Maori people and the British government in February 1840. Headed around the golf course to a lookout with panoramic views, which were currently non-existent due to amount of cloud cover and drizzle. Before going to the Saltwater hostel stopped at the information centre to pay for tours that we wanted to do. Had planned to do a day cruise tomorrow - which I kept changing my mind because of the weather - once Jenny found out that it wasn’t a catamaran and there was cover on board she was probably more interested so felt I should go also. Besides it is the Bay of Islands and should really go out and see them and the weather isn’t really conducive to hiking. Were also trying to figure out how to get across to the west coast to do the Footprints twilight tour. It was looking problematic as buses don’t run that way. Well the magic coach does but not that suited our schedule. Looked like a car hire may be the go which I was happy to do. Jen wasn’t as keen on the idea especially the part about driving the hour and half back after 10pm. Not an adventurous soul - or just more sensible than me!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Waiheke Island, NZ

Sun 8 Feb, 2009 - Auckland (Waiheke Island)
On a ferry by 10am after booking the tour, having breakfast and walking down to the pier. We were off to Waiheke Island today which is one of the larger islands and is almost an extension of Auckland due to amount of people living on the island and a popular weekend get away. It was a busy day due not only to the long weekend though it also had the annual Race day at Onetoa Beach. On arrival at Waiheke we boarded a bus which did a quick island tour and got a bit of history as well as getting our bearings. We jumped of at the last stop before the bus went back to the ferry terminal at Onetoa beach to check out the action.

The beach race day was a fascinating event.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Auckland, NZ

Fri 6 Feb, 2009 - Whitianga to Auckland
A nice early morning windy drive around the mountains and down toward Paeroa which is famous for L&P (lemon and paeora) drink which tastes a little like the Dr Pepper or other caffeinated fizzy beverages you can get. L&P is pretty well only found in NZ. I am led to believe it never took off anywhere else even with coke taking over production of it. Swapped buses and was in Auckland around lunch. It is Waitangi day - a public holiday based on a treaty signed between the Maori Leaders and Britain. (In a couple of days we will be heading to the Bay of Islands which is where Whitangi is located.) This meant no bridge climb - a bit disappointing but can’t be helped. Wandered around Auckland in the afternoon - was amazing how many shops were open considering it was a holiday. There was a buskers festival on here as well and there were gatherings of people at different points around town.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sea Kayaking, NZ

Wed 4 Feb, 2009 - WhitiangaHad arranged to meet a German girl, Melanie, at the info centre in the morning and do something together. So was able to go for walk along the beach in the morning. Was a little surprised when 4 Germans met me. More from yesterdays bus had decided to stay for another couple of days. Guess they enjoyed to beach since they had come from the snow!! Anyway we headed back to Hahei to go sea kayaking for the afternoon around the Cathedral Cove. There were 7 of us in total which was a good number. The kayaks were doubles and I started in the front. The girl in the back found it challenging to keep us steering straight. The trip took us first around to Cathedral Cove, this time on the other side of rock from yesterday. Had time for a swim and then the leader made us cappuccinos on the beach, in silver (metal) cups and saucers, with chocolate chip cookies! It must have been a funny sight. I had heard that they make you coffee but didn’t consider it was on the beach half way into the trip.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Coromandal Peninsular, NZ

Tue 3 Feb, 2009 - Mt Maunganui to Whitianga
Today on way to Coromandal area would include two buses. One to Thames and the second onto Whitianga. Got to Thames which is an old mining town just after 10am and waited for the next bus to arrive. The first driver didn’t talk very much and tell much about the area. Hadn’t had any contact from other driver and he was running late. Showed up then since they hadn’t had a break - I had another half hour to see Thames. This time walked into the town which was nestled into the hillside.

Then continued to the east side of the peninsular. Stopped along route to see a little river which the driver, Nate, liked and showed us some of the local flora. We were meant to go to the Hot Water Beach, though it was high tide and therefore apparently pointless. Went instead straight around to Hahei where Nate organised his family’s special ice-cream sandwich - piece of Hockey Pockey ice-cream between two wafers. Was nice and cheaper by an ice-cream slab and packet of wafers than as a single serve. Continued around to Cathedral Cove where it was a half hour walk around to the site. The walk was really nice. Started walking with a couple of girls but they were much more focused on getting to the beach as quickly as possible so they could swim. So I soon was a little behind as I was taking a few photos. The cove lived up to its name with huge arches in the rocks. There were quite a few people down there enjoying the water - surprising given the isolation.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

North to Mt Maunganui, NZ

Sun 1 Feb, 2009 - Napier to Mt Maunganui
Already 1 month done for the year - geez this year is going quickly. I feel like I’ve been gone for a while and done heaps but it actually hasn’t really been all that long. 1 week till I meet up with Jen in Auckland.

Left Napier at 8am and headed toward Taupo. Stopped at a waterfall along the way with a decent fall. The area was obviously a popular hangout which didn’t make huge sense as it was still away out of town but there was quite a bit of litter and graffiti on the rocks. As we were leaving the area stopped to help some German ladies who had run out of petrol. They had enough to go a few kilometres so they followed the bus 10mins down the road to a little stop which at one stage did provide a petrol service but no longer even though the sign was still displayed. Anyway the driver chatted with the owners and we left the ladies there and continued onto Taupo. Only a quick break here, mostly just for food, though I walked down to the lake. Will be back here to spend more time on the way back down south.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Road to Napier, NZ

Sat 31 Jan, 2009 - Wellington to Napier
Very very little sleep last night. People around me were having snoring competitions!! Plus being a Friday night, or Saturday morning, most of the boys in the room had been/were out drinking. A couple showed up around 1am. Had a knock on the door at 3am with someone trying to get the guy in the bed next to me into the room. At 5.30am the last of them showed up, at which stage (after a few minutes) knowing I wasn’t going to get back to sleep packed up and left the dorm. Had a tea, read and waited for the bus up to Napier.

The journey was nice - though did miss quite a bit as I kept dozing!! Terry the driver is a real character and with a small number of people it is fun. Stopped at Mt Bruce and the wildlife centre that they have there. Walked through the bird enclosures - couldn’t find some of them. The positive was that they were relatively large enclosures with lots of greenery - the down side difficult to locate them - though its good for the birds. Had eels in the river and saw a kiwi in the dark room. I was the only one who went through. I guess my travelling reasons are a little different to the others!! Smoking is a real big thing here or at least those that are travelling. I guess it gives you something to do when the bus stops for a few minutes, and it provides a social activity too.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wellington, NZ

Thur 29 Jan, 2009 - Wellington
Got to the Nomads hostel to find Thursday night is ladies night with free champagne and tapas. Met a girl from the UK who is over here on a horticulture study for three months and had just arrived. So we sat and had champagne then had 2-4-1 drinks before going to the botanic gardens (via the cable car which goes straight up the hill). She was meeting a friend at a concert that was being held in the gardens. Was going too be a bit hit and miss as she didn’t have a phone and only a rough location - amazingly we found them (or they found us!). It was a beautiful set up with the crowds gathering up the hills to hear the group - ‘Woolshed’ or something to that effect. It was nice to walk through the gardens on dusk. The trees along the path were lit up. After the concert went with the group through the gardens - where all along the path were glow worms (not something I’d expected to see tonight!! That was a cave tour in a another week or so!! Jumped in the car and went down this really windy street, which was apparently two way but really shouldn’t be. Went to the Southern Cross Bar and had a couple of jugs (shared - not all to myself). Luckily the place closed at midnight or I think it would have been an even later night, considering after all the walking I’d done I wasn’t thinking of doing anything tonight. Enjoyable things usually occur when not planned.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Second half Queen Charlotte Track, NZ

Wed 28 Jan, 2009 - Marlborough Sounds - Day 3 (Punga Cove to Portage Bay)
Headed off at 8am this morning as it was going to be a good 6hrs walk and I wanted to get a fair way before the heat picked up. It was a warm day with some cloud cover.

The first 3hrs was undulating terrain crossing both private and government land. Some fabulous views from the top looking back down into bays and coves. For a section it felt like I was back on Turonfels with the track covered in pine needles. Some of the pines absolutely dwarfed anything else around it. I felt I was walking but getting nowhere as things started to become familiar. Stopped at a rest stop above the Bay of Many Coves for a snack and had a little feathered friend wanting to help me eat my food. He was rather upset when I had no more left and started making noises which then attracted another bird and then the competition began as whose territory was it. They obviously sorted it out as when I was putting my sunscreen on he turned up again hovering at my feet, not too worried about me at all.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

First half of the Queen Charlotte Track, NZ

Mon 26 Jan, 2009 - Kaikoura to Marlborough Sounds/Picton - then onto Queen Charlotte Track (Ship Cove to Endeavour Bay)
HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY!! I haven’t seen a single Aussie and didn’t celebrate it at all, other than in my thoughts.
Left Kaikoura at a reasonable hour taking the coastal road up to Picton via Blenheim and the Marlborough wine area - not that we got to stop and taste anything. At Picton found the information centre and got the 71km walk along Queen Charlotte Track organised. Took the easy option and had the boat take my bag from place to place which therefore meant I only need to walk with my day pack!! It is a great service. My three nights accommodation was organised at the same time - it now means I just have to do the walking.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Kaikoura, NZ

Sat 24 Jan, 2009 - Christchurch to KaikouraJumped on the Magic Bus for the start of my NZ tour at 8am and about 4 hours later I was off again!! The next stop enroute was Kaikoura - north of Christchurch where the town is known for swimming with dolphins, whale watching and fresh seafood. Didn't go dolphin swimming as thought could do that at Bay of Islands with Jen. Didn't go whale watching and later heard that they only saw one anyway. Did have some seafood chowder at a street side stall, in the middle of nowhere, after walking the headlands for a few hours.

Kaikoura whilst being a seaside town is also at the foot of the mountains and in winter is transformed into a base for skiers. The Dusky Lodge looks and feels a little like a ski lodge with many fireplaces and large rocks and trees inside. This place also has a pool and spa unlike most the others - so guess what I'll be up to tomorrow... Well it is a Sunday, a day for relaxing!! I was going to say the seventh day for rest but I haven't been going for that long yet!!

Anyhoo, back to today. The journey up was lovely, passing fields and hills and sheep. Got into town and we went straight down to the seal colony area - though no seals on the rocks as it was already too hot. So dropped off at the hostels where I settled in and read a bit till the majority of the heat passed. In the afternoon the headland walk takes you through private properties which over look the Tasman Sea. The South Bay had people canoeing, scuba diving and water skiing.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Arthurs Pass, NZ

Early start to head to Arthurs Pass, somewhere up in the southern alps. The whole strip provides a connection between Christchurch and Greymouth. The Transapline departed at 8:15am arriving about 2.5hrs later just east of Arthurs Pass. It was amazing to watch the countryside flash past with the size of the hills increasing with each minute. The information was a great setup of the history of the place as well as giving an idea of the walks available within the timeframe that I had. Five minute walk into town and found a cafe for breakfast, which included some caffeine stimulus - I'm still in school holiday mode - not functioning before 10am!! Anyway after a nice start to the day. Within town many of the huts are/look like originals. Tiny one bedroom huts which look like with a little push could topple at any stage - must be cold in winter. No wonder a couple were for sale!!

Undertook a few of the walks - all around the hour: Devils Creek and Punchbowl Waterfall, Bridevale Walk and Bealey walk. The whole area was magnificent. Could still see patches of snow on the tops off many peaks. Did the walks well below the suggested timeframe which gave me ample time to go well up the Bealey River. The main walk actually stops as it hits the river. There are then markers which guide you further up the mountain which was fun jumping from rock to rock. Would be good skiing through winter - though no chairlifts!! It was obvious where avalanches had been through as the mountain had been left bare with rocks scattered behind. There were signs posted everywhere regarding caution with avalanches - I figured it was safe enough since minimal snow and no rain.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Christchurch, NZ - here I come

Wed 21 Jan, 2009
Well up all night packing. I don't know why I do it to myself. For most trips I seem to be up till all hours and get no sleep till I jump on the plane. At least the flight goes quickly!! I did watch the whole (most) of the inauguration of the new President of the USA, Mr Obama. The crowds were amazing and considering how long they must have been out in the cold very well behaved - or at least it came across that way.

Arrived after lunch in Christchurch on a very delayed plane. Waiting for passengers - so departed half hour late! The flight in over the south island was amazingly breathtaking. The coast line was smooth and flat with the rivers edging out into of the ocean. Suddenly little mounds started popping up through the clouds. The mountain range, dark with random patches of snow, took over the landscape creating deep crevices between large solid rocks (or so it looked ). Then as suddenly as the mountains had appeared, the land became a flat patchwork of coloured paddocks. Why some areas were created as circles I don't know - maybe the remains of alien visits years ago!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Planning underway - Jan 16 2009

For those of you that know me well, is it little wonder that under a week till my 'leaving' date and I still haven't bought a plane ticket!! However since the start of the year I have seen some of you more than probably the whole of last year. It is amazing how your social calendar increases once you say you are departing. Admittedly I'm not entirely concerned as it has been nice taking my time with it all- I have actually done more for my March 'Europe' departure than for next week to New Zealand.

I'm sitting here testing my new netbook. A great size that fits in my handbag!! I'm slowly getting used to the keyboard and that I have to really press the keys down- particularly the space bar. And I'm going to need to cut my finger nails. Wireless is damn slow if connected to anything less than 90% - though I guess that is nothing new. I'm into testing out how long the battery life is in reality compared to what is stated. So other than my new toy, I have finally selected a sleeping bag- which I have driven my brothers crazy with my lack of decisiveness. There are just so many options and variations. But no- still no ticket!!

Anyway my rough - and anything may happen - schedule and timing for anyone else that decides to meet up with me on my travels. So much for travelling on my own. I think so far I'll be spending more time with people I already know than those I don't!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

2009 - A new year and new adventures

So yes I'm starting from the top, it will be interesting to read my thoughts after so long. Yes I have been keeping a journal of daily activities and thoughts. So where better to start my entries than New Years Eve 2008 (sounds so long ago doesn't it!)

Spent the night with my parents as invited guests to a private function at the top of the toaster (building next to the Opera House). The function was for supporters and friends of the Spastic Organisation. We got the invites through Mum's friend Kerry Doyle (aka Miss Aust. - I won't embarrass her further by adding dates). The venue used to be a restaurant and is now empty - hard to imagine that a restaurant with these views couldn't survive. Though worked out great for us celebrating NYE 2008. Anyway with Tiara's a plenty, last cheer before midnight, and the view was magnificent as we saw in the NY on Sydney Harbour.

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