Discover my Travel

Explore every corner, dance every day,
live life with passion!


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Saturday, November 7, 2009

The journey begins!!

My journey is certainly well underway and still far from finished. Though few people know what I have been up to for the past 10 months and this is purely due to my feelings of needing to escape. To turn my back on what was at home, what was known, and focus on travelling, sightseeing, adventure of the unknown.

This has certainly created a sense of anguish with my family as they have wanted to be a part of what I was undertaking and experiencing, yet I wanted the freedom. Don’t get me wrong this actually had nothing to do with my relationship with my family. I am very close with immediate and extended family. I purely needed time to find ‘me’ away from the world that I had created in a familiar and safe environment.

So slowly I started to tell more about my experiences; where I was, what I was doing and what I was planning, though rarely regular and definitely not detailed. Understandably a lot has happened over the past year and now I will share this with family, friends and whoever wants to be included in my journey.

First a little history or what has brought me to this point (well what think currently anyway)…

Recently I was asked ‘when you were young what did you dream of being when you grew up’. It was an interesting question. Throughout childhood I think I had had many thoughts of what I wanted to be, dream job to have when older. Though even at the conclusion of school I had never settled on what the remainder of my life would entail. I went to university more because of expectation and something to do than for a specific purpose and certainly never imagined actually using the degree that I was paying to undertake. Anyway when I actually started to think about what all the thoughts for ‘dream’ or future jobs meant it all came down to a single theme or reason … seeing the world … Travel.

Whilst in the United Kingdom a TV ad (don’t ask me what it was actually promoting) which asked ‘if you could go back to a single point in time, what would it be’. I can’t decide on a single place, time, event as each and every moment has determined my being here now and being able to have the experiences I am now having. I have loved every moment of my past 30 years, or at least it was an experience, and plan on continuing my journey for a long time to come. The only difference now is that I’m opening my world up to the world!!


  1. Welcome to blogging! What a wonderful way to start. I feel proud to be your first comment.

    Best regards,

  2. Thanks Tom.
    I'm excited to be here at last!
    Keep following :)

  3. awesome start Tanya... and addictive reading.
    well done!
    i´m sure all of your Edinburgh ´classmates´would be delighted to comment too (and maybe even click on your adsense - cheeky smiles)
    shall i subscribe now?
    Mike ;-)

  4. The more the merrier - welcome to click away!! Subscriptions of course welcome ;)
    Thanks for feedback.


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