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Friday, November 20, 2009

Coromandal Peninsular, NZ

Tue 3 Feb, 2009 - Mt Maunganui to Whitianga
Today on way to Coromandal area would include two buses. One to Thames and the second onto Whitianga. Got to Thames which is an old mining town just after 10am and waited for the next bus to arrive. The first driver didn’t talk very much and tell much about the area. Hadn’t had any contact from other driver and he was running late. Showed up then since they hadn’t had a break - I had another half hour to see Thames. This time walked into the town which was nestled into the hillside.

Then continued to the east side of the peninsular. Stopped along route to see a little river which the driver, Nate, liked and showed us some of the local flora. We were meant to go to the Hot Water Beach, though it was high tide and therefore apparently pointless. Went instead straight around to Hahei where Nate organised his family’s special ice-cream sandwich - piece of Hockey Pockey ice-cream between two wafers. Was nice and cheaper by an ice-cream slab and packet of wafers than as a single serve. Continued around to Cathedral Cove where it was a half hour walk around to the site. The walk was really nice. Started walking with a couple of girls but they were much more focused on getting to the beach as quickly as possible so they could swim. So I soon was a little behind as I was taking a few photos. The cove lived up to its name with huge arches in the rocks. There were quite a few people down there enjoying the water - surprising given the isolation.

Whitianga was another 40mins further up the coast. Nate had organised a taxi to take us to the Hot Water Beach at low tide so had and hour and half to settle into the Cat’s Pyjama’s hostel. A very homely place that was on the edge of town. Most of the bus stayed at the YHA further on which has some lovely views but a long walk back to town. Got organised, had a bite to, walked through town and made it to the ferry by 6pm. We all crossed the water and met the taxi on the other side. The beach (or a section of it) lived up to its name. Some of the sand and water was boiling hot. A metre of so either side of these boiling points, dig a hole, then sit and relax. There were numbers of people and certainly competition for good spots. Was going good for a while till a large wave came along and washed us out!

Returned to Whitianga and we found a fish and chip/chinese shop that was still open for dinner. Had been a great day. The germans that I was with graciously offered to walk me to my hostel before they continued up the road as they were a little concerned about some of the local drivers (young boys calling out of their car windows - nothing new!). The funny thing was my hostel was two minutes down the road and they had to pass it directly anyway. There a quite a few Germans travelling at the moment. Still no Aussies!

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