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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Christchurch, NZ - here I come

Wed 21 Jan, 2009
Well up all night packing. I don't know why I do it to myself. For most trips I seem to be up till all hours and get no sleep till I jump on the plane. At least the flight goes quickly!! I did watch the whole (most) of the inauguration of the new President of the USA, Mr Obama. The crowds were amazing and considering how long they must have been out in the cold very well behaved - or at least it came across that way.

Arrived after lunch in Christchurch on a very delayed plane. Waiting for passengers - so departed half hour late! The flight in over the south island was amazingly breathtaking. The coast line was smooth and flat with the rivers edging out into of the ocean. Suddenly little mounds started popping up through the clouds. The mountain range, dark with random patches of snow, took over the landscape creating deep crevices between large solid rocks (or so it looked ). Then as suddenly as the mountains had appeared, the land became a flat patchwork of coloured paddocks. Why some areas were created as circles I don't know - maybe the remains of alien visits years ago!!

So now in the Base Hostel I am deciding on where to go next and what to do. I had thought of heading south to Stewert Island and the Catlins, though now will most likely continue north and spend a little more time on route to Auckland.

Christchurch is a quaint town. Can see why it is called the Garden City - it is spacious and green. Old charm fighting against modern life. There are pockets of small townhouses mixed with newer buildings. Though possibly just obvious due to the size of the area I've seen thus far. Coming in from the airport the place felt empty. Even with the working day over there was no rush of people heading back home. The hostel is directly across from Cathedral square so have a nice view. Incredibly I'm in the middle of the city and there is barely traffic noise.

Thurs 22 Jan, 2009
Woke up many times through the night - new bed. Finally got up and went for a walk along the Avon river with little concept of where I was actually going, except downstream. It was nice to get out of the 'city' and into the suburbs - must admit that the city towers disappeared very quickly. I was still rather tired and after a while lay down on the banks of the river and had a snooze. It worked!! Got me through the day. Whilst lying there one lady (an American) stopped to ask if I was OK. Must have thought it weird that someone would lye down randomly. Though in the time I was there she was the only person who asked - though I don't actually know how many passed by anyway!!

Went back to the city and had brunch - lovely savoury muffin. Made my way back to the hostel to make decisions on where the next few days might take me. By now had given up the idea of Invercargill and Stewert Island (hoping to still do the Catlins on the way back). Which then gave me a few days to utilise. So thought it would give me extra days in places I was already heading. But first a day trip to Arthurs Pass. So with that sorted out what to do with the rest of the day - not a lot to do in Christchurch.

Botanical Gardens was the destination with a side route to the Arts Centre. I thought it would be more of a gallery, but no it was rooms/stores each with different arts and crafts. Patchwork and knitting to glassware and prints. There were some amazing pieces - but no room in the backpack. Out the back of the gallery spaces were work rooms in which the artists were there creating the items. In another part of the complex rehearsals were underway. Good to see all the Arts under the one roof. So a busy little centre - a great idea. The Centre was actually the old University site so therefore many buildings. The gardens - like most botanical gardens were nice and semi park like with people having picnics, sun baking, paddling up and down the Avon, etc. I spent a couple of hours walking around and well my thoughts (sleep deprived!!) started going in a poetic direction inspired by the fabulous summer day... No I'm not a poet - so I won't give you the fruits of my labour.
Later that afternoon went for a walk up the main shopping street and once past the 'general' shopping area and mall the street became all about indoor and outdoor activities/adventure. The bike, camping and outdoor adventure wear stores were mixed in with lingerie and adults only stores. It was an interesting mix! There is a buskers festival on currently so it is quite active at night.

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