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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Granville Island

Granville Island, the arts, crafts and market area, is a great trip for the day. Can walk across the Granville Bridge, though with no direct walkway down to the island itself you end up doubling back a few blocks, or can take the ferry across and even continue further around the False Creek circuit for city views from the water. The island is connected to the Seawall walkway, which goes around the entire False Creek inlet, if interested in a longer walk.

Many little shops with some great art work., glass, pottery, wood, fabric, some of which is made onsite.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Davie Street and Eco-friendly sustainable community focus

Walking around this area you wouldn’t know that you are in the city area. Davie Street has many single storey and locally owned shops. Close to the water, and a little community garden situated in the midst of the busy streets which gives an eco-friendly feel to the area.

There have been a few places that I have travelled that have these types of gardens, particularly in city areas where backyards don’t exist. It would be great to see more of this occur and a turn back to the natural and sustainable lifestyle, even in the midst of the hectic and chaotic city, which is all too easy to get caught up in; fast paced city life, pre-packaged and full of preservatives.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Granville and Robson Streets

Vancouver’s Granville Street does run for miles, though the main downtown section is certainly set up for the night life with flashing bright lights sprawled down the length. With cinema, theatres, shops, pubs and clubs. The cues for clubs can be a long wait in the cold and wet, with many wearing very little (completely unappealing to my sensibility, though I’m sure I did this at some point in the past!) I usually opt for a pub where I can walk straight in, or maybe only a 5minute wait.

The street is undergoing huge amount of construction to upgrade the road and pathways for the upcoming 2010 Winter Olympics.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Stanley Park

At the tip of Vancouver’s Downtown/West End location is the huge Stanley Park with houses, gardens, pool, aquarium and many other attractions and of course walks. It offers locals with place to run, walk, bike, blade or method of choice along the many tracks around the lakes. Also tourists flock to enjoy the natural landscape and features within.

The walk or ride around the perimeter is lovely giving many different views of the city. Whilst flat it is a good 9km, more or less depending on where you start and finish on the Seawall track.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Pender Island

Got to go to Pender Island, one of British Columbia’s Gulf Islands, with a friend. Was great to have someone familiar with the island to show me around. During winter especially, if you don’t have a car it isn’t easy to get around the sites. However in summer the population doubles and regular ‘car stop’ points makes hitching rides easier.

We stayed at the Poets Cove Resort which had fabulous views and sitting outside in the hot tub watching the sun set is a great way to conclude a day.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Kicking off 2010

Wow another year over and a new one has just begun!
Had a lovely, quieter New Years Eve after coming back from Victoria through the day. It was a wet one, though if I recall rain is meant to be good luck. There are many places with large and small parties to attend with cover charges, generally, to match. Since had been away didn’t get tickets early enough to some of the larger events, which could have been quite fun. Regardless, an evening is what you make of it. Found myself in a smaller bar with good music. Sat and chatted the night away. Midnight of course meant champagne and cheers from across the venue.

Liquor laws don’t appear to change based on the occasion and soon the place was closed, as were most other places. A few on Granville St were open, though was a one way door - out, not in! So at 3am was sitting in a coffee shop with quite a few people, I guess in the same situation. What happened to all night parties!!

A few hours sleep and the new year began for real!
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