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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Granville and Robson Streets

Vancouver’s Granville Street does run for miles, though the main downtown section is certainly set up for the night life with flashing bright lights sprawled down the length. With cinema, theatres, shops, pubs and clubs. The cues for clubs can be a long wait in the cold and wet, with many wearing very little (completely unappealing to my sensibility, though I’m sure I did this at some point in the past!) I usually opt for a pub where I can walk straight in, or maybe only a 5minute wait.

The street is undergoing huge amount of construction to upgrade the road and pathways for the upcoming 2010 Winter Olympics.
Whilst not so good if driving as road closed, handy for those walking as can walk and cross however you like! ‘Hollywood’ stars are now laid on the side walk naming contributors to the city. Lighting down the wide paths will certainly be an asset come the masses due to arrive in the city in February. The only thing missing would be wide undercover walkways, helping on the numerous wet days, to avoid people’s umbrellas hitting me in the head.

Running perpendicular to Granville St is Robson St, the main shopping street, starting with the Pacific Mall and also an entrance point to the Art Gallery, which I’m yet to venture into, though admire the architecture frequently! Nearby is Robson Square and currently a free ice rink, even in winter there are things to do to get out of the rain!

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