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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Kaikoura, NZ

Sat 24 Jan, 2009 - Christchurch to KaikouraJumped on the Magic Bus for the start of my NZ tour at 8am and about 4 hours later I was off again!! The next stop enroute was Kaikoura - north of Christchurch where the town is known for swimming with dolphins, whale watching and fresh seafood. Didn't go dolphin swimming as thought could do that at Bay of Islands with Jen. Didn't go whale watching and later heard that they only saw one anyway. Did have some seafood chowder at a street side stall, in the middle of nowhere, after walking the headlands for a few hours.

Kaikoura whilst being a seaside town is also at the foot of the mountains and in winter is transformed into a base for skiers. The Dusky Lodge looks and feels a little like a ski lodge with many fireplaces and large rocks and trees inside. This place also has a pool and spa unlike most the others - so guess what I'll be up to tomorrow... Well it is a Sunday, a day for relaxing!! I was going to say the seventh day for rest but I haven't been going for that long yet!!

Anyhoo, back to today. The journey up was lovely, passing fields and hills and sheep. Got into town and we went straight down to the seal colony area - though no seals on the rocks as it was already too hot. So dropped off at the hostels where I settled in and read a bit till the majority of the heat passed. In the afternoon the headland walk takes you through private properties which over look the Tasman Sea. The South Bay had people canoeing, scuba diving and water skiing.

Some were swimming also but as for me - where are the white beaches!! So too the end of the street and up the hill into the paddocks, climbing fences (they have kindly built stairs over them - though not as sophisticated as Turonfels). Came round from behind the peak to see the blue ocean touch the sky and the cliffs delve into the water below. From the top I then went straight to the bottom where a bird nesting area had been sectioned off - well sign posted. And continued my walk around the rocks. In the next inlet there was a stingray circling for its evening meal. A bit further on finally saw a seal, even if just the one, up on a rock giving itself a massage. Making my way further around and possibly good timing as the tide was on its way in. The area where we came this morning was now underwater. One final walk back up the hill just to see the view from the north side, then came back down to walk all the wayback into town. A few hundred metres down the road a couple have set up a little roadside fresh seafood kitchen. So sat and had dinner and rest a little. Had chat with a couple from Tasmania and their friend from Dunedin way. Strange enough they were teachers in their former life.

Anyway so another half hour or so and made it back to the hostel. Back to have a shower and as I'm getting ready for bed (or at least changed before I sit here typing, and watching the sunset over the Kaikoura mountains) I started to feel a little old with many girls getting made-up for a night out. I'm buggered there is no way (well I could be convinced!!) but no way do I feel like going out and standing on my feet for another few hours.

Besides the fact I think after one glass I'ld be asleep anyway!!

Well now the sun has gone down and there is a chill in the air after a hot day. Today I actually remembered to take my hat - but it kept getting blown off so I didn't really use it - just carried it along the track. There is a soft yellow, beige of the sunset which is making the mountains look a bit surreal, like they are part of a painted landscape. Photos aren't doing any justice to most of the scenery around here. It is all too large and therefore can't make out detail for which the photo is being taken. Well time to sign off and move inside where it is a little warmer.

Sun 25 Jan, 2009 - Kaikoura
A very relaxed day!!
Reluctantly (though had been awake for a while after another restless night) got up when the cleaning schedule came into full swing at 9.30am. Went for walk through town - found the supermarket that I was looking for yesterday - much further up than thought. Had a look through the many little shops - mainly gift and souvenir based. Some of the jewellery was beautiful. There was a recycled fashion gallery. Some spectacular gowns recreated from different bits and pieces that were no longer of use to their original owners. Not sure if I could/would wear anything I saw but was interesting to look through.

Had a kiwi and feijoa Juice then returned to the lodge. Went for a swim and better still the wonderfully warm spa, then sat by the pool and read. Had dinner at an organic restaurant - a salmon pasta - divine. And yes that was about the extent of my day. Oh the sunset was much better tonight!!

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