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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Planning underway - Jan 16 2009

For those of you that know me well, is it little wonder that under a week till my 'leaving' date and I still haven't bought a plane ticket!! However since the start of the year I have seen some of you more than probably the whole of last year. It is amazing how your social calendar increases once you say you are departing. Admittedly I'm not entirely concerned as it has been nice taking my time with it all- I have actually done more for my March 'Europe' departure than for next week to New Zealand.

I'm sitting here testing my new netbook. A great size that fits in my handbag!! I'm slowly getting used to the keyboard and that I have to really press the keys down- particularly the space bar. And I'm going to need to cut my finger nails. Wireless is damn slow if connected to anything less than 90% - though I guess that is nothing new. I'm into testing out how long the battery life is in reality compared to what is stated. So other than my new toy, I have finally selected a sleeping bag- which I have driven my brothers crazy with my lack of decisiveness. There are just so many options and variations. But no- still no ticket!!

Anyway my rough - and anything may happen - schedule and timing for anyone else that decides to meet up with me on my travels. So much for travelling on my own. I think so far I'll be spending more time with people I already know than those I don't!!

Jan 20+ (when I get round to purchasing a ticket!!) - New Zealand
Feb 7 - Meet Jen H in Auckland to finish travelling around NZ
Mar 1 - Back in Oz for two weeks
Mar 15ish - Egypt
April - Jordan, Syria
April 23 - Meet Suzy and Steph
April 25 - Anzac Day in Gallipoli then around Turkey
May - Turkey, Greece
June - Spain, Portugal and Morocco
July 13 - Suzy and Steph leave Spain to go home
July/August - France, Switzerland, Austria and Italy - Parts with Mum at some point
September - Maybe still a little from above plus heading to Germany, The Netherlands - Part with Kim V
Hopefully by this point will have made the big decision of how much longer I will be going for!!
Things still to occur at some point toward the end of the year
- More of Northern Eurpoe
- NE USA: NY across to Chicago
- Canadian Rockies, Alaska
And Yes I know there are many places that I haven't yet made it to- a year possibly isn't long enough!!

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