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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sea Kayaking, NZ

Wed 4 Feb, 2009 - WhitiangaHad arranged to meet a German girl, Melanie, at the info centre in the morning and do something together. So was able to go for walk along the beach in the morning. Was a little surprised when 4 Germans met me. More from yesterdays bus had decided to stay for another couple of days. Guess they enjoyed to beach since they had come from the snow!! Anyway we headed back to Hahei to go sea kayaking for the afternoon around the Cathedral Cove. There were 7 of us in total which was a good number. The kayaks were doubles and I started in the front. The girl in the back found it challenging to keep us steering straight. The trip took us first around to Cathedral Cove, this time on the other side of rock from yesterday. Had time for a swim and then the leader made us cappuccinos on the beach, in silver (metal) cups and saucers, with chocolate chip cookies! It must have been a funny sight. I had heard that they make you coffee but didn’t consider it was on the beach half way into the trip.

From there headed out to an island and went through a small cave. There was a decent swell so took a bit of effort to get around. His time I was in the back so doing much of the work, especially since my partner would frequently stop paddling! Anyway with stories and interesting facts from the tour leader made it back to our starting point.

Whilst everyone else headed back across on the Ferry I decided to stay on the south side and go for a walk. Spent some time on the beach before heading up to Shakespeare’s lookout, from which you could look down on Cook’s beach and back around to Whitianga. There was a huge grassy area at the top, just back from the lookout, which would be a great picnicking place. Headed back to the ferry stopping first to walk through the cemetery - possible the best position on that side of the water! By the time I got back at 8pm I was exhausted - arms and legs just a little tired after the days activities.

Thurs 5 Feb, 2009 - Whitianga
Had to spend another day here based on the bus schedule, though I have no concerns with that at all as it is a great place to be. Went for a long walk around to the next headland. From there I could see Shakespeare’s lookout where I was yesterday. Back into town around midday and wandered around the shops, had coffee and read for a while in the cafĂ©. Quite cool and not great beach weather. Have spent the afternoon typing and selecting photos to put onto this site. Don’t want to overload it but at the same time put enough detail in. Been a nice day. The weather is supposed to be better for the weekend.

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