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Thursday, November 19, 2009

North to Mt Maunganui, NZ

Sun 1 Feb, 2009 - Napier to Mt Maunganui
Already 1 month done for the year - geez this year is going quickly. I feel like I’ve been gone for a while and done heaps but it actually hasn’t really been all that long. 1 week till I meet up with Jen in Auckland.

Left Napier at 8am and headed toward Taupo. Stopped at a waterfall along the way with a decent fall. The area was obviously a popular hangout which didn’t make huge sense as it was still away out of town but there was quite a bit of litter and graffiti on the rocks. As we were leaving the area stopped to help some German ladies who had run out of petrol. They had enough to go a few kilometres so they followed the bus 10mins down the road to a little stop which at one stage did provide a petrol service but no longer even though the sign was still displayed. Anyway the driver chatted with the owners and we left the ladies there and continued onto Taupo. Only a quick break here, mostly just for food, though I walked down to the lake. Will be back here to spend more time on the way back down south.

Picked up a few people from hostels and continued on to Rotorua where we had about an hour for lunch. I walked through the government gardens to the lake and thermal area. Gosh it stank!! The smell was across the whole town but certainly worse up close!! Walked back toward the museum, beautiful old building though not enough time to go through. Walked past the rose garden to another part of the lake - much prettier and there were black swans along the foreshore. Back on the bus and stopped a little way up the road at Huka falls. This one was man made and certainly was gushing down the valley. Further along the driver suddenly slowed, pulled over then started reversing. He had spotted some baby pigs on the side of the road. With a few comments about how tasty young pigs tasted, jumped out of the bus to try catch one. Though they had disappeared over the road and into the bushes.

From here continued straight through to Mt Maunganui. On the way in the traffic heading out was at a stand still. This beach town is popular weekend attraction and being late afternoon on Sunday everyone was on their way home. Normally get to drive through town before going to the hostel but the cruise ship was here and some streets were closed off! Anyway was here for a couple of days so I’m sure I’ll get to see the town. On arrival at Pacific hostel they provided afternoon tea of pizza and Anzac cookies. With only a few of us coming in on the bus it was fairly quiet hostel. A little way out of town -10min to either the main beach or the other direction to the shopping complex. I started with domestics - washing and shopping. Later went for a walk down along the beach toward the mountain then back around the bay where the cruise was docked, along the edge of town and back to hostel - started getting cold. The breeze off the water had a real nip. There is quite a bit of cloud around and not great for the sunset.After dinner found out from another girl that the timetable hadn’t yet changed and therefore all my plans were incorrect. Checked with the bus driver and based on a phone call that day it was true. Looked like I needed to leave tomorrow - and I hadn’t even made it up the mountain. Early start?! So with my bag inside out and clothes everywhere time to go pack. At least I’ll get things ordered again. It is always amazing how over time the bag expands even though nothing extra has been added. Plus now I had bits and pieces food wise to try fit in as well - shouldn’t have done the shopping yet. Oh well…

Mon 2 Feb, 2009 - Mt Maunganui
Got up early but not early enough to get to the top of the mountain. Oh well, I did see it. With everything out of the room and sitting having a tea, the fax came through with overnight stop in Thames due to timetable change. What the !#$@$%. Yesterday had been told changes weren’t occurring just yet and now they were! Called head office again and yes we are now on the new timetable so was I now on to plan C or go back to A. Decided on A. Had already paid for another nights accommodation here and the bus was still actually organised for tomorrow (since I found out late I never changed it - thought I would just jump on and let things sort themselves out!!)

So with another day in Mt Maunganui, took the bags back upstairs and got organised for the day. Walked to the summit of Mt Maunganui and then took track down to the other side and continued back along the base track. The views from the top were fabulous, full 360 degree of the coast line. Went to the beach, the water wasn‘t too bad. They were setting up for a surf lifesaving carnival over the next day or so - I won’t be here then. Wandered through town and the different little shops. Sat and had a coffee. The heat was exhausting so went back to the hostel to read and relax for a bit. Went out for another walk along the beach and the bay on the other side with aim to watch the sunset. I sat on the bench for a while and got some fresh air, though it was cool, windy and overcast, also there was no visible setting of the sun tonight.

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