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Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year Treat

With the new decade pending, soon to be here, my wish for you is -

For all your apples will be deliciously sweet, with sumptuous chocolate and colourful treats. Whatever the shape, style or with fabulous flair take hold of the joys that are sure to be there!

Whilst the exterior is elegant, zany, or vibrant do remember that the true natural wonder lies buried within.

So this decade focus on the entire you and allow the inside to be vibrant too!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Holiday Season in Victoria, BC

With the New Year pending, the lights of the season are full and bright in Victoria,  BC. So enjoyed wandering the streets after dusk, just as mush as through the day.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Victoria, BC

Between Christmas and New Year I decided needed a break from Vancouver and headed across to Vancouver Island and down to the BC capital, Victoria. From here everything else in Canada is North!

The moment I arrived I loved the place.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Boxing Day Mahem!

So don’t often frequent boxing day sales, even in Australia, as I don’t like the crowds and the blind sighted need to buy because of another few percent off. Maybe deals for some larger items it pays off to venture out, though for smaller things not sure it really makes a big difference considering what you have to go through to obtain the item. So today, out of interest and possible insanity, I went out to one of Vancouver’s largest Malls, Metropolis; 900 stores and lost count of how many thousand people.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Time (Part 2)

Whilst here alone, I can certainly say I’m not alone.

After breakfast I helped a friend make Gluhwein (German warm, spiced red wine) something we were going to share on the beach at sunset.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Time (Part 1)

So this is Christmas and time for family, friends, frivolity!

Christmas Eve started with thoughts of family and friends in Australia about to celebrate Christmas Day. A weird feeling doing things nearly a full day behind. So a relaxed start and with beautiful weather walked around the city streets with last minute bargains and shoppers completing their final tasks. Wandering around admiring the mayhem that I wasn’t apart of this year was interesting. Well obviously a part of as I was out with the hoards, though had sent my presents home a while ago, so now relaxed and able to enjoy the season. The cathedral had a choral concert which was lovely to hear so many voices as the sound reverberated around the hall.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Well the day is here and full of cheer. Family and friends come together to share laughter. Well even if a distance away thoughts never go astray. Every family is different and friendships varied though we all choose who to share our time with.

So whilst I'm spending this Christmas with new friends, here is my gift to everyone of my family and friends around the world that I can't be physically with this year.

Much peace, love, happiness and joy :)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas around Vancouver

T'was the night before Christmas and not a creature was stirring not even a ...

gingerbread person!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Another day of Snow!

A beautifully white and bright day with sleigh rides, Santa, hot chocolate and other wintry delights. OK so it wasn't in Vancouver per say, though extremely near by in the mountains. Grouse Mountain to be exact.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Winter Solstice

Well the 21st December brought the Winter Solstice to town. So that means the daylight hours will start increasing and getting warmer?! A day maybe not always celebrated, though I had festivity galore here in Vancouver, Canada. There were different venues around town hosting an evening of visual delight.

The Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre, Yaletown was one site for the 16th Annual Lantern Festival. You could have dropped in through the week prior to help create lanterns which were then paraded at 6pm to finish at one of the venues and thus start the evenings activities.
Once inside the area was buzzing. Each room was thematically driven with lanterns, decorations, musicians, dancers and crowds just to catch a glimpse of the wonders that went into making this a special occasion.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Street Parade

So what would any celebration be like without the community coming together to celebrate in unison. The more people, the bigger the event, the larger the celebration, more enjoyment to be had. So what better place to see than Vancouver's community come to watch a street parade and share the joy of Christmas. From community services, to local groups, larger corporations and of course the olympic spirit all combining to give and share their excitement for the season. Many floats, numerous horses and even more walkers, the streets were closed to traffic, though why complain when the event brings so many together. Collect your cup of hot chocolate, find a gap and enjoy the view!

So with flags galore,

Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Many are now on holidays, or soon will be. So here is a Holiday greeting for you all! Particularly for those south of the equator :) I hope that you enjoy reading and viewing my posts as much as I enjoy putting them together!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Help-portrait photos complete

Spent time handing photos back to the people who came on Saturday. On the whole happy and smiley faces, positive about the results of their photos. Excited to hang the photo on wall, give to girlfriend, send to mother, or just to have an image of themselves. Some of the results were amazing. The difference between how they entered the room, to what the photographer brought out in them, to the final black and white image was fabulous.

It is disappointing that you can’t please everyone all of the time. What would life be without problems and looking for what is wrong, or going to go wrong, or who will rip me off / use me today? Though some people just wanted to hear you say they looked great, not something that is said enough. Complements, gratitude not always given.

So a conclusion to a fabulous event, and as have said before would definitely love to be involved again. Thankyou and congratulations to all that gave their skills to an event somewhere in the world. And to those who came and had a photo taken, hope you enjoy the memory.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Let it Snow!

Now Vancouver is known for rain in the winter, not really for snow. So when it came this weekend I was rather excited. It started just rather light with the flecks disappearing soon after landing, though as the day progressed ground cover was actually achieved. So for two days there was white across the city and then the rain came and all over… till next time? Yes, I’m still holding out that it will occur again come Christmas. The two winter Christmas’ I’ve had has included snow, so would like it to be a trifecta!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Help-Portrait (East Vancouver) Shoot Day

Help-Portrait is a new initiative that has captured the world in a relatively short time. It seeks to be an annual event on 12 December. The concept is relatively easy ... find someone, take their photo, get it printed and give it to them! It involves photographers donating their time and skills to take photos/portraits of people who would normally be unable to afford the opportunity.

There were three venues in Vancouver alone where photographers had jumped on board and organised an event. I will certainly be finding other locations around the world, depending on where I am, so that I can be involved again, even to assist with people coming in the door.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Eagles fly street side

The Bald Eagle, apparently, I’m yet to see, situate themselves on Canada’s west coast during the winter months to take advantage of the salmon in rivers and streams. Though the topic here isn’t about the eagles haunting the natural environment, rather those which are spawn the pavement and sites around the Vancouver’s Downtown area. The BC Lions club has initiated the street art movement. They have had a couple of previous features and this year it is 2m fibreglass eagles painted and decorated individually by artists. The range of takes on decorating the eagles is great to see and certainly provides alternate views whilst wandering the city.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Where am I now ?!

So I'm taking a detour from order of travel, and jumping about 9 months, to let you know where I am and what up to, also in the lead up to the holiday season there is much occurring.

So I arrived in Vancouver, Canada early November on a work visa that allows me a two year stay, which makes many other work holiday makers jealous, as most countries have a one year agreement. Anyway settling in has been fun. Certainly strange to be in one place and getting into routines, looking  for somewhere other than hostel and hotel accommodation to live, and meeting people outside of the traveller circuit.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The best of NZ

As with the end of any trip or holiday, always the question arises - 'so what was the best part'.
Common response - 'so many wonderful memories, it's too difficult to find a singular place, time or event'.
I've never liked playing favourites!

Read on to view my video, or is a small version on side panel :)

Monday, December 7, 2009

And New Zealand trip comes to an end

Sat 28 Feb, 2009 - Tekapo to Christchurch
It was a little sad leaving behind the calm and serene surroundings of Lake Tekapo. Not just because it means that I’ll be heading home tomorrow but it was such a beautiful morning watching the sun rise - could have had another day of peace, though with no bus tomorrow that would be a little problematic.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Mt Cook, NZ

Fri 27 Feb, 2009 - Tekapo and Mt Cook

Picked up a 8am with the weather looking a little doubtful. However since we were heading back toward the west coast I had looked at the wrong forecast. Even though access to Mt Cook is from the east the weather is predominantly determined from conditions in the west. Anyway there was a chance of light rain in the morning and clearing in the afternoon. Never got the rain and when the cloud really cleared around midday got blue skyline behind Mt Cook so fabulous photos. Considering it rains 143 days in the year here and the majority are cloudy I was very fortunate. Needless to say I have many photos as with each step on the way back I was going wow look at that - even better!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Dunedin and Tekapo, NZ

Wed 25 Feb, 2009 - Queenstown to Dunedin
Headed off out of Queenstown on the old gold mining route and got to see the scenery of Central Otago. It slowly transformed from the huge mountain ranges to smaller hills. Finally making it to Dunedin, known as the Edinburgh of the South (can’t comment fully as never been to Edinburgh- later in the year!?). The city is very much a university town with a busy cafĂ© and bar strip. The university year was just kicking off so a little quiet still. Stayed at On Top Hostel which was situated on top of a bar.

Wandered around a looked at all the old buildings. Also say the Cadbury Factory. Looks quite small from a distance however when near it takes up a whole block of town. Jen went to the movies in the late afternoon. I spent time on the internet trying to organise the next part of my travels! Otherwise a quietish night.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Amazing southern views, NZ

Mon 23 Feb,2009 - Queenstown and Milford Sound
A long amazing day. Picked up at 7.45am and were at Milford sound at 1.45pm. Back on the bus at 3.45pm and arrived back into Queenstown at 7.45pm. Drove basically straight through to Te Anau with a couple of brief photo stops and to fill the water bottle up in a river that is 99.9% pure due to run of from glaciers. Made way through Fiordland National Park for a Cruise along Milford Sound out to Tasman Sea.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A little icy, NZ

Sat 21 Feb, 2009 - Greymouth to Franz Josef

Set off from Greymouth for Franz Josef and the Ice Glaciers. Unfortunately looked like the rain had settled in so who knows if the half day glacier hike will occur. Well found out that the hikes run regardless of the weather - hmmm do I want to do it with no views? The further we continued down the road the more uninterested in the whole concept I became. Jen really wanted to do the heli-hike but no flights today due to the weather so she was going to do the half day hike.

On the way stopped at Bushman’s Hut which was a centre for the area which explained the process from wild to farmed deer. People’s reactions to the centre were very different. Obviously killing of any animal can be seen as brutal though the reasons for the catching of deer and now possums is for the survival of the native wildlife. The owner had quite a sense of humour which could also be taken.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wild West Coast, NZ

Fri 20 Feb, 2009 - Nelson to Greymouth

Today was basically a travel day which we nearly didn’t undertake… our names weren’t on the list. Don’t quite know how and never will but something to do with changing our minds and the head office paperwork not being updated correctly. So at 7.45am standing in the rain with our bags packed and in line to get on the bus, reach the front and ‘sorry the 52 seater is fully booked and your names aren’t on the list’. But why not??? We got off the bus three days ago and left our names with the last driver. So we went to the back of the line and waited to see what would happen next. Jen stressing and me going whatever another day here… Finally everyone was boarded and hang on two were missing … the driver asked others on the bus … no answer. As luck would have it two seats were now available! So we jumped on, crossed fingers and urged (quietly) the bus to go - just in case two heads suddenly appeared from around the corner.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Abel Tasman, NZ

Thur 19 Feb, 2009 - Nelson and Abel Tasman National Park

Today we took a day tour out to the Abel Tasman which involved kayaking and hiking (a walk - wouldn‘t call the section we did a hike!) Departed Nelson at 7am with the rain coming down and Jen saying we should have done this yesterday - better weather! Half way around to the Abel Tasman however the sky began to clear and we saw the sun - Yeah! Arrived at Marahau about 8.30am.

So did the whole safety and how to thing with the sea kayaks then we were ready. With our packs stored in the kayaks and loaded onto the tractor trailer we walked to the water. Low tide so we had to walk out across the sand/ calf deep water to appropriate launch depth. No waves here so nice and calm start - possibly won’t lose my drink bottle today!! The kayak itself took about 3½ hours. We stopped on the beach of Adele Island, the larger of two islands just off the coast, for morning tea. Even managed to get plunger coffee - not instant! Two girls braved the cool waters and had a swim. The tour guide, Steve, laughed at Jen and myself as the water was too cold for the Aussies! Headed back to the main land and reached Observation Beach for lunch. A lovely salad roll and a huge raspberry muffin.
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