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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Where am I now ?!

So I'm taking a detour from order of travel, and jumping about 9 months, to let you know where I am and what up to, also in the lead up to the holiday season there is much occurring.

So I arrived in Vancouver, Canada early November on a work visa that allows me a two year stay, which makes many other work holiday makers jealous, as most countries have a one year agreement. Anyway settling in has been fun. Certainly strange to be in one place and getting into routines, looking  for somewhere other than hostel and hotel accommodation to live, and meeting people outside of the traveller circuit.
The first thing was finding dance and fitness classes, conveniently located a block away! I soon realised, after months on the road, how much strength I had lost. Didn’t take long to gain back though it is certainly eye opening as whilst I have been walking a lot and stretching bits, core strength and strength required for wide range of motion has certainly suffered. There were a few moments a couple months back that I had felt twinges in my back and realised I was losing strength in the abdominals and started to do some focused work though it is often hard to do anything significant in small rooms or take time from sightseeing schedule to locate a fitness centre.

Anyway back to Vancouver. So class, internet sites, journals, all keeping me occupied plus time looking into apartments, many looking totally unappealing, though that is another story. Slowly I have been going to business and network meetings as a way to meet people and get into the local scene a little quicker. Whilst have met some wonderful people that are also travelling,  I do like to meet local faces equally. And with many rainy days there is great appeal to sitting in coffee shops and have a chat!

I have moved accommodations’ 3 times, just for the need for a change. Amazing how quickly I got frustrated staying in the one place, after the longest I had spent anywhere was a week and even then was ready to move on. So first place was the stop of point for many Aussie and New Zealanders coming here on the overseas working holiday programs. So the atmosphere, aided by the bar onsite, was very much party, and quick turn around as most stayed a night or two before heading, predominantly, to Whistler. Then moved across the road, still on Granville Street with many bars and clubs, though hostel a little quieter, though after a while was after a little more space. Hence move three and down in the West End, a calmer more local scene. Accommodation more set toward groups and families so many more sizable rooms to escape to a quiet location, particularly since the hostel is relatively quiet.

So winter in Vancouver… keep coming back for new updates and/or click links to subscribe for direct contact!

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