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Friday, December 11, 2009

Eagles fly street side

The Bald Eagle, apparently, I’m yet to see, situate themselves on Canada’s west coast during the winter months to take advantage of the salmon in rivers and streams. Though the topic here isn’t about the eagles haunting the natural environment, rather those which are spawn the pavement and sites around the Vancouver’s Downtown area. The BC Lions club has initiated the street art movement. They have had a couple of previous features and this year it is 2m fibreglass eagles painted and decorated individually by artists. The range of takes on decorating the eagles is great to see and certainly provides alternate views whilst wandering the city.

So the pictures here are of eagles down Burrard Street and then along Cordova Street heading toward Canada Place. I captured about 20 of them, though I know there are more flying around the city streets and buildings waiting to be found. So I'll shoot them wherever I find them ;)

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