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Friday, December 4, 2009

Amazing southern views, NZ

Mon 23 Feb,2009 - Queenstown and Milford Sound
A long amazing day. Picked up at 7.45am and were at Milford sound at 1.45pm. Back on the bus at 3.45pm and arrived back into Queenstown at 7.45pm. Drove basically straight through to Te Anau with a couple of brief photo stops and to fill the water bottle up in a river that is 99.9% pure due to run of from glaciers. Made way through Fiordland National Park for a Cruise along Milford Sound out to Tasman Sea.

The scenery was amazing and the weather held out for perfect cruising conditions. Milford Sounds appears large from a distance though not until out on cruise do you get the true feeling of how large the mountains are and how small they make you feel. A few seals, many waterfalls and rocky mountains consumes your entire vision.Words can't explain, have a look at the photos then go for yourself!

 Tue 24 Feb, 2009 - Queenstown

A lot of walking today, though started late. Finished a book last night, which was the second I had started, so picked up my original book this morning to make a start to finish reading. Anyway left at 10.30 and started walking uptown which was mainly industry based. Then went back toward town. Went up to the top of Queenstown Hill, which had wonderful 360o views. Oh the rain had stopped today and there was sunshine so I could actually see most of the mountains. There was still a little cloud cover.

Walked back down into the older side of town, as distinguished by the architecture. Found out that is was Shrove Tuesday - thanks to the sign outside the church and the ladies making pancakes for lunch on the lawn, though were packing up by the time I got there. Wandered down to the lake then walked around to the Queenstown gardens. A lovely park with great paths around the lake. Back in town and wandered through a few shops. Fudge tasting … yum! Continued walking downtown and ran into Jen, she had slept till 1pm today. She looked a lot more alive again. So we parted and I continued out the other side taking the one mile track up the hill which is where the original power for the town came from in the early 20th century. Found a lovely waterfall further up and a number of trees that had come down in an avalanche at some point. The size of the trees and root systems stripped from the ground was quite a site.

Back into town a little more wandering through town and then made the way back to Pinewood hostel. Relatively tired after primarily non-stop walking for hours. A tea and some relaxed reading and I was feeling great again before long. Repacked as all my things are scattered across the room from washing the other day! Leave early tomorrow so at least now I’m organised … again.

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