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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Time (Part 1)

So this is Christmas and time for family, friends, frivolity!

Christmas Eve started with thoughts of family and friends in Australia about to celebrate Christmas Day. A weird feeling doing things nearly a full day behind. So a relaxed start and with beautiful weather walked around the city streets with last minute bargains and shoppers completing their final tasks. Wandering around admiring the mayhem that I wasn’t apart of this year was interesting. Well obviously a part of as I was out with the hoards, though had sent my presents home a while ago, so now relaxed and able to enjoy the season. The cathedral had a choral concert which was lovely to hear so many voices as the sound reverberated around the hall.

Went ice-skating for the first time in years. There is a small rink in the centre of the city and usually very crowded. Today was busy though not bad; room to move! First foot on the ice,  OK … second foot and off we go … to find the wall! Not the most glamorous time of my life. Weight placement completely different to what I’m accustomed. Then you get to see the little children racing around the rink, with their hockey outfit on, and others with legs raised gliding elegantly across the ice. Was great to see them enjoy themselves, though also wanted to tell them to stop showing off (showing me up!!). Though as a tourist attraction many first timers. So forget about others and enjoy the painstaking experience of trying to stay on your feet! Some good laughs. Then off to the pub for eggnog, including rum of course, with friends. An Aussie girl in Canada drinking eggnog in an Irish Pub. To top it off I was off to join a friends family for Christmas Eve dinner Polish style.

With the dinner table set, white with gold trimmings; tree in the corner and family gathered the evening was wonderful. Regardless of where you are and who you are with to be with a close group always adds that little special element. I was so grateful that my new friend had thought to include me in her family. So with the first star appearing in the sky the fabulous dinner began. It included 5 courses. Started with 3 different herring dishes, then a delectable mushroom soup, the main meal with another 3 varieties of deliciously prepared fish, desert of fruits, and later, after Mr Claus’ visit, Grand Marnier, coffee and wonderful range of gingerbread, sweets and slices. Yes Mr Claus did drop huge bags of gifts at the door for the children. The sparkle and excitement in the eye as they comprehended what had occurred and peering out the window to see if they could see him in the sky was gorgeous. The innocence of youth. It is that excitement and joy even now I love to see as people come together. The next step to see it every day of the year!

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